Reawakening the Gods and Goddesses within

Mustafa Ahmed, 12: spoken word artist
Here's the thing poetry..hate 'slam poetry'..ok hate is such a strong word...despise?..Anyway i live in Toronto and the place is littered with 'slam' poets. They're everywhere trynna preach a message of hope and love and kumbaya and ugh i hate..sorry ..despise them all.....It's like shouting something for emphasis does not make it deep...Here let me have a go at it..this is a piece i wrote two seconds ago...It's called 'WHY'
My life is full of misery
I see a light and its flickering
I feel and empty like a car running on..empty
WHY ..(pause for effect)
See..there..i am a freaken slam poet...that piece could probably earn me second place at te Toronto Slam poets joke..they are THAT wack. Anyway, you know who isnt wack? Cutie patutie below. His name is Mustafa Ahmed and his poem ' a single rose' earn him a standing ovation at the Hot Docs festival in 2010 here Toronto..Read his Story here
My life is full of misery
I see a light and its flickering
I feel and empty like a car running on..empty
WHY ..(pause for effect)
See..there..i am a freaken slam poet...that piece could probably earn me second place at te Toronto Slam poets joke..they are THAT wack. Anyway, you know who isnt wack? Cutie patutie below. His name is Mustafa Ahmed and his poem ' a single rose' earn him a standing ovation at the Hot Docs festival in 2010 here Toronto..Read his Story here
'Dear Iman: A Letter to the Beauty Icon'
Copper-toned complexion. Statuesque neck. Gorgeous gaze. Iman, I am confident in my own skin partly because of you.
As a supermodel, actress, entrepreneur, humanitarian, mother and wife, you've reshaped the "universal perception of beauty" and allowed me to embrace and love the young woman that I am -- long legs, neck and all! Read the rest here
Samira Hashi
This is Samira Hashi cuter than a basket of Kittens and winner of Face of Fashion4 Africa 2011(who? i know). The winner was picked for style, charisma, natural beauty and command of runway. Samira has vowed to not just represent Somalia but the whole of Africa(including Somaliland i hope..she fucking better). But aww nice. Fashion4 Africa had a wack-ass prize for first place. She won a cover contract with "Beauty in Business" magazine which..what? Never heard of it. Pretty crappy first prize if you ask me BUT congrats Samira nonetheless.....
(Ancient) Somali Beauty Tip of the day: standing over slow burning incense
So you wanna get rid if your stretch marks? try standing over slow burning aromatic incense on the ground a few times a week and voila no stretch marks. Ok seriously..don't try it (if ur not Somali)but aparently this is how we used to try to get rid of stretch marks in the olden times. Every Somali girls knows what im talking about because she has done once in her life. The thing is growing up i never knew it was an acient stretch mark removal technique...We just do it cuz our mom does it...and she did did cuz her mom did it! Somalis have a long history with Frankincense..which is what our traditional incense and perfumes are made of. Ancient Egyptians would come to Somalia for incense ( and also for Women but that's for another blog post) because Somalia was known as the land of the punt..which means the land of the Frankincense...There is still a region in Somalia called Puntland but it that's not the ancient Puntland were talking about here... So the next time you see your mom or aunt standing over slow burning frankincense, she's just partaking in an old, pre-islamic ritual...
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