Ogaden Women

The Ogaden people, particularly the women(i dont think anyone is looking out for Ogaden Men) are considered by the Somali people to be the most attractive. My Isaaq and Darood friends would argue otherwise but they can suck it. This is true. Every single Ogaden person i've ever met has been stunning or beautiful...never just average. To be honest haven't met a whole lot of them. There are folklores and poetry written about these great beauties. Somali poets would fall over themselves exolting the beauty of Ogaden women....Some of the most beautiful poetry is about Ogaden women. Usually Ogaden women are tall, elegant. Here are some pics of Ogaden women flaunting their god given beauty....Ok ok....They look like every other Somali women...The only way to know if they are Ogaden is if u ask them....

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